A New Chapter - Stage Story

A New Chapter Begins

KAESER Compressors Australia welcomed a new Managing Director, Jarno Manzke, on April 2nd 2024. 

With over 17 years of experience in various positions with KAESER across Germany and North America, Jarno brings with him a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Holding three Master’s degrees and a PhD in Organisational Leadership, his passion is to create impactful teams and build inspiring relationships - both inside and outside KAESER.

The Manzke family recently swapped the snowy landscapes of Canada for the sunny shores of Melbourne’s outer east. While Canada and Australia share many similarities, Jarno couldn't help but chuckle at his encounters with some uniquely Aussie quirks. From deciphering the true meaning of “having a barbie” to mastering the art of ordering a “flat white,” he is diving headfirst into the colourful world of Australian-isms.

Speaking about his tenure in Australia, Jarno said, “it is an honour to work for KAESER over 3 continents and I am thankful for the opportunity to spearhead the next chapter in the story of KAESER Australia. This is an exciting time for us, I am looking forward to growing the business and leading KAESER Australia towards a bright future.”

Now, let’s take a moment to get to know Jarno better. We uncover some fun and interesting facts about his journey, both professionally and personally. Let’s meet the man behind the title!

Q&A - Getting to know Jarno Manzke:

Q: What’s your job title now and what was it when you first started at KAESER?
A: Managing Director. Previously: Business Development Manager with KAESER Canada. Climbed the corporate ladder, one rung at a time!
Q: Where have you worked previously (all KAESER subsidiaries and previous employers)? 
2007-2008: KAESER Coburg  
2008-2021: KAESER USA  
2021-2024: KAESER Canada  
It's like a global KAESER tour, minus the postcards.
Q: Do you have any mentors in your professional life?  
A: Sadly, no. Mentoring myself is a full-time job!
Q: What was your first paying job?
A: Delivering newspapers during high school. The original “paper trail.”
Q: What’s the most exciting part of your job? 
A: People. They're the best and sometimes the most "exciting" part!
Q: What’s your most-used productivity hack?  
A: The 80:20 rule & working quadrant 2 of the Eisenhower matrix. Basically, trying to be 100% productive 20% of the time.
Q: What is your favourite animal?**  
A: The fox. Clever, cunning, and always in style.
Q: Are you a coffee or tea person?  
A: Coffee. Because adulting is hard.
Q: What’s something you find challenging about your work?  
A: People. They’re both the best and the trickiest part!
Q: What motivates you at work?
A: Developing people. Watching them grow—sometimes into bigger challenges.
Q: Have you ever met anyone famous? 
A: I’m close friends with the world’s best whitewater kayakers. Paddle your way to fame!
Q: What’s your favourite memory of Australia so far?  
A: Arthur’s Seat. And no, it's not a fancy chair.
Q: Can you speak more than one language?
A: Barely. Fluent in English and Gibberish.
Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?  
A: Still happy with KAESER Australia. Because, why not?
Q: What was your favourite subject in school?  
A: Maths, Physics, and IT. Geek mode: activated.
Q: Do you play any sports or have any hobbies? 
A: Whitewater Kayaking. For those who love getting wet and wild.
Q: What’s your idea of a perfect workday?  
A: Meeting with colleagues and planning the future. With coffee breaks, of course.
So, as we look forward to an exciting future under Jarno's leadership, it's clear that KAESER Compressors Australia is in good hands. Whether he's navigating the complexities of the compressed air industry or sharing a laugh over a uniquely Aussie experience, Jarno's commitment to excellence and passion for people is clear.

Join us in welcoming Jarno Manzke to the KAESER Australia team. We can't wait to see where this new chapter takes us!